Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Recap of September 

The children have been interested in various activities in and around the daycare. For the most part the children have been exploring the new surroundings and familiarize themselves with the daily routines. 

We have prepared a few stations on the large steps to encourage exploration and learning through play.  We have counting, colour sorting, finger looms and an alphabet station. It provides a learning experience of basic math skills, fine motor skills, recognition and literacy. We have also introduced a fall sensory bin. 
Our snack menu consists of healthy and nutritious snacks, we have a copy posted on the bulletin board in the theatre if you are interested in checking it out. Snack and lunch times are a great opportunity for the children to communicate with each other, share information about themselves, and ask each other questions. 

At Cairn's Children's Centre we emphasize the importance of physical play, as well as outside time. We have purposely schedule outdoor time each day for the children. Not only do the children have the opportunity to run and play, but also learn new gross motor skills and understanding their own strength, not to mention mastering new tasks such as the monkey bars!