Friday, 27 July 2018

Outdoor Challenge day 4

We were so happy to get back to the park on Thursday. The children were so eager for their hotdog bonfire and marshmallow roast that we had to start lunch half an hour before schedule.

After our delicious lunch it was straight back to exploring. We took a trip to the flower garden and gave the many, many (seriously there's like a million) geese an afternoon snack. Oh and can't forget even more Winnipeg Rocks rock finds. 

Finish off with some friendly competition games like sack races and tug of war and we have ourselves another great day at St. Vital Park. 

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Outdoor Challenge day 3

A little rain won't stop us!

Ok, technically it did...but our spirits stayed strong and the children were pretty disappointed when we had to leave the park.

We did manage to sneak in some pre-storm fun however. Relay races, nature walks and bug hunts. Learning about the life cycle of ducks and even more Winnipeg Rocks rocks. (Not too bad for only 2 hours)

Luckily we were able to arrange for our visitor to meet us at Bonnycastle so after a short hiatus to get back to the center, the children jumped right back into their day with Gym Kids gymnastics. 

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Outdoor Challenge day 2

What a perfect day for the park! Our second day was just as fun as our first. Coach Don from Youth 1st Lacrosse joined us again for a lesson with our older children this morning.

Today our k's and 1's went exploring in the park and visited the geese and ducks at the pond.

They also discovered and picked different berries in the forest which the staff used to play a color match scavenger hunt later in the day.

To top off the day we had a few nature based art projects that stemmed from some park finds. We found and made our own Winnipeg Rocks rocks and created some beautiful works of art using leaves, twigs and berries.

Monday, 23 July 2018

Outdoor Challenge day 1

As you might expect by now, our kick off to the 2018 Outdoor Challenge was a huge success. Some of our veteran children picked up right where they left off last year, building forts, climbing trees and playing the ever popular manhunt.

Our kinders were treated to a game of Lacrosse thanks to Coach Don from Youth 1st Lacrosse.

A few of our groups explored the park and with the help of our talented team of educators, some great emergent curriculum ideas were implemented such as finding sticks to build boats that were tested down at the docks and making family trees.

We finished off the core part of our day with a juice break and a cool down after a fun day in the sun. Can't wait for day two!