Tuesday, 28 May 2019

After school fun

Here is a quick review about what all children have been up to!
The after school children has been busy with:
Games, Art Design and Science 

The children planned a relay race 

 Rock painting

 Making beaded animals

Outdoor scavenger hunt

And top it all off with a little risky play in the trees

Friday, 10 May 2019

AM Kinders Habitat Discovery

Believe it or not, our morning Kinders have been noticing all of these Spring changes as well. On a walk down by the lake, the children also noticed that the geese had returned and they of course wanted to chase them. 

Instead we invited the children to fly like a goose around the field but the children recognized that we were missing one vital thing...wings!

After making our wings, the children began asking questions about the geese like why do they swim in the lake. This lead to an invitation about different animals and their habitiats.

We took the children on a nature walk to search for the habitats of different creatures and along the way we collected the materials that we needed to make our own habitats at the center. 

When we returned to the center the children got busy re-creating some of the habitats that we had seen and talked about using the natural materials that they found on their walk. 

We created a nest, a lake, a dam, trees, a spider web and even a dinosaur enclosure! 

The morning kinders have been noticing the plants around the room from the afternoon kinder group so stay tuned for how things grow with the AM kinders. 

Thursday, 2 May 2019

PM Kinders Spring Adventure

You may not believe it with all of the snow that we've had but our PM Kinders have found Spring and they didn't have to go very far to find it. 

On a walk one afternoon, some of the kids noticed that the geese were beginning to return so they went in search of other signs that Spring was here. With magnifying glasses in hand, they searched the back field and trees of the playground and came across fresh buds on the trees and ladybugs!

To try to identify the children's interest, we set out an inivitation about bugs. 

While the children found this engaging, they still seemed more interested in the idea of how things grow so we decided to try planting seeds. First we used cotton balls and bean seeds and placed them in glass jars so that the children could watch them grow. 

We displayed them in a plant themed provocation for the children to explore even more about seeds and plants. 

We also gave the children different types of seeded fruits to cut into and explore. 

Hopefully as the weather warms up we can continue to learn more about how things grow.