Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Mad Science

Yesterday (July 12) Mad Science of Manitoba came and held a hands on workshop about Structures.

"Dr.Bugs" asked the children what they knew about Structures and to give her some examples. The children gave confident answers of "houses", "chairs", "buildings". "Dr. Bugs" stumped the children with her next question, are people structures? The children learned that people are in fact structures.

The children learned about the strength of paper when left unfolded and when folded into accordian style. To demonstrate this the Mad Scientist used pennies and the unfolded paper to build a bridge, the paper was unable to support more than 3 pennies at a time. When folded accordian style the paper was able to support up to 30 pennies.

After this demonstration "Dr. Bugs" showed the children how to build their own pentagon structure using marshmallows and toothpicks. "Dr. Bugs" demonstrated to the children the strength of their structures and gave examples of other structures that resembled pentagons, such as Epcot Centre.

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