Monday, 14 January 2019

Busy children are happy children!

We have been keeping busy before and after school. Here is the recap on the last week! 

Some of our Before-School activities included;  

Painting using only q-tips.The children were creative in how they used the q-tips, some children made dots and some used it as it were a paint brush.

We made our own mazes using straws, pipe cleaners and q-tips. The children were able to make many different versions of mazes!

We love to see confidence in our children, and to help build our confidence even more we made our positive jellyfish, it is a jellyfish and the children had to write a few things they think represent them.

The children were often drawing Emojis, so we put out a few things and they made emojis with coffee filters and markers. 

After- School program is planned by our Peer group which consists of grade fives and six planning for the other children. Some activites we did included;

Fastest cup, the children used a straw to blow the cup across the table first.  

Find the prize! We really had to use our memory for this game, we hid "prizes" under 10 out of 50 cups and the children had to pick a cup, lift it and if there was no prize the child had to put the cup back and go sit down. The other children had to remember which cup had already been lifted. It took a bit of time but we found all the prizes! 

To end the week off, we made the Laser Mats. The children used yarn as lasers and taped them to the mats. All the children got a chance to try to get through the lasers! We even got to see Mr. Jonathan attempt the laser course. 

We definitely had a blast last week, and we can't wait to see what this week holds! 

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