Friday, 19 August 2016

Resource Room Sensory Game

Blind Tasting & Smelling Game

Our group has been interested in sensory play since the summer started. We have done some great activities, using the sense of touch/feel & texture. Ex: "Sand Art", " Mud Bricks", "Pottery" etc. Please come and have a look at children creative imagination into creations on our display table.

The sensory experience has been progressing and this week we have focused on the senses of smelling and tasting. We have discussed about the taste palate and how many taste buds humans have. In case anyone wondering, human tongue has 10,000 taste buds 😋. The children also contributed in the discussion and shared their tasting and smelling experiences. The activity we planned, was an opportunity for the children to naturally encourage the scientific process through a game.

 We used following things to smell and taste.

1- Relish.
2- Mashed Potatoes.
3- Cheese.
4- Crackers.
5- Tomatoes.

Rules of the game:

Children were blindfolded and they got to smell one of the above at a time and guess it by just smelling it. Then they tasted it to be sure of the guesses they made. Their answers were recorded. 

We were surprised by some of the answers.
As per some of the children, Mashed potato smelled like chicken, Crackers smelled like cinnamon, Relish was mixed up with ketchup and so on.

Learning Outcomes:

1- Sense of touch/feel.
2- Sense of taste.
3- Learned about taste palate taste buds.

Addison asked, " Ms.Amna can we hear the food to guess it"? 

Aha, hearing sense will be our next project. Stay tuned. 

Ms. Amna

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